So I gathered a little more info tonight. We were seeing quite a bit prescribed last week but only say one or two prescriptions today. From everything I’m hearing this stuff works. You’ll never hear it though because there’s no money behind it. They’re getting ready to roll out this vaccine along with using the other high dollar meds in the hospital. How dare we find something that’s cheap and effective at treating this virus. Ivermectin is available in 3 mg tablets. What I’m seeing/hearing is it is dosed based on body weight. Basically it’s 1 mg per 10 lbs of body weight as an initial dose. Repeat that dose in 3 days and it can be repeated a third time in another 3 days if needed. Again this is what I’m hearing and seeing. Then again, with some of the regimens I’m seeing prescribed, it seems chit is being thrown against the wall just to see how much will stick. Ivermectin is generally safe and well tolerated. Only major drug interaction I’ve heard about of is with Warfarin. A lot of meds interact with warfarin so this is nothing new. If/when I get this chit I’ll be taking the worm meds along with a steroid. That’s my 2 cents which may not even be worth that much. I’ll check this thread for any questions but most of my time will be spent at a computer while working the next few days but I’ll answer questions and update y’all as I see things develop.
Re: Ivermectin spin off
[Re: CAL]
#3313230 01/05/2101:09 AM01/05/2101:09 AM
I know this is a silly question BUT does the same conversion work for vet doses of the med?
Not a silly question at all. If a person were to take the vet version, which I’m not recommending:), I would have no reason to believe 1mg of the vet grade is 1 mg of pharmaceutical grade.
Re: Ivermectin spin off
[Re: CAL]
#3313282 01/05/2107:42 AM01/05/2107:42 AM
FYI there's 10 mg of Ivermectin per cc/mL with the injectable.
The dose CAL uses above is the exact same dosage for cattle.
You don't inject it, you drink it, mixed with a little water.
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
Re: Ivermectin spin off
[Re: CAL]
#3313286 01/05/2107:54 AM01/05/2107:54 AM
There's no way I'd drink the pour on. There's no telling what the carrier is on that stuff. Likely DMSO or something similar. No telling what it would do to your organs. Y'all keep in mind that animal products are made with the assumption of life spans less than 20 years....
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
Re: Ivermectin spin off
[Re: CAL]
#3313294 01/05/2108:01 AM01/05/2108:01 AM
They think it may block the virus from attaching to the ace2 receptor. If that turns out to be the case then ivomec will be the best preventative/treatment we have all things considered. The studies showing the above evidence have yet to be peer reviewed, so it could turn out to be bunk findings, but that's where we are at right now. I watched an hour long interview last night with two medical doctors who have been on top of this covid stuff since last January, and both are taking a wait and see approach, but right now it looks promising, which is amazing to me.
They think it may block the virus from attaching to the ace2 receptor. If that turns out to be the case then ivomec will be the best preventative/treatment we have all things considered. The studies showing the above evidence have yet to be peer reviewed, so it could turn out to be bunk findings, but that's where we are at right now. I watched an hour long interview last night with two medical doctors who have been on top of this covid stuff since last January, and both are taking a wait and see approach, but right now it looks promising, which is amazing to me.
But I’d be willing to try a cheap and low risk medication with decades of known use and side effects than a newly developed rushed vaccine. Not saying it’s not safe but I’d rather go with the known vs the unknown.
Re: Ivermectin spin off
[Re: CAL]
#3313446 01/05/2110:43 AM01/05/2110:43 AM
I still believe the vaccine is safer than actually catching covid. In the same interview I watched the doctors basically broke it down like this:
Covid may not kill you, but it may leave you with a lifelong disability, "Long haul" effects if you will. The entire world is being presented with the option right now of choosing to get covid and risk death (pretty low %), risk getting some sort of long haul effect of which there are tons, everything from heart issues to mental psychosis, or risk getting the vaccine. To sum it up the vaccine so far is the much safer option, but you can choose what you'd like.
I am going to take my chances on the vaccine.
Re: Ivermectin spin off
[Re: CAL]
#3313470 01/05/2111:10 AM01/05/2111:10 AM
They discuss ivermectin at the 28 minute mark. I recommend watching the entire video if you are interested. Both of these guys have some pretty critical things to say about the media, too. They are the only sources I trust on covid information.
Last edited by dirkdaddy; 01/05/2111:17 AM.
Re: Ivermectin spin off
[Re: G/H]
#3313482 01/05/2111:18 AM01/05/2111:18 AM
Is this to take when your get COVID or before? Has to be prescribed by doctor?
Yes a prescription is necessary. It is currently being used to treat the virus.
You do not need a prescription to get it at Tractor Supply.
Joe, will you please post a pic of the ivermectin that tractor supply carries that applies to this thread. I'm very interested in this treatment...thank you very much!
I don’t see an injectable Ivomec on Tractor Supply website
For those that want to buy some you’re looking for Ivermectin injectable. Ivermectin is the drug name. Ivomec is a brand name. There’s eleventy seven generics available. Just make sure Ivermectin is the drug.
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
But I’d be willing to try a cheap and low risk medication with decades of known use and side effects than a newly developed rushed vaccine. Not saying it’s not safe but I’d rather go with the known vs the unknown.
When you say "rushed vaccine", there's an implication that it somehow didn't go through proper channels before hitting the market. I have a brother-in-law who's in medicine research and he'll tell you there's a lot of "red tape" involved in getting a medication to the market in the US. Nothing to do with the testing, trials, etc... but just bureaucracy that slows down the process. I'm not familiar with the process myself... but if you're hesitant to take a vaccine because of this reason it would be wise to research the topic. You might find that you'd be just as comfortable taking it as you would a medicine that took 2 years to approve.
Re: Ivermectin spin off
[Re: FurFlyin]
#3313602 01/05/2101:29 PM01/05/2101:29 PM
I don’t see an injectable Ivomec on Tractor Supply website
For those that want to buy some you’re looking for Ivermectin injectable. Ivermectin is the drug name. Ivomec is a brand name. There’s eleventy seven generics available. Just make sure Ivermectin is the drug.
Did it clean you out? Growing up I had a buddy (10yo) that put the pour on type on his horse then rubbed it in. It worked on his bowel movents for 3 days
Re: Ivermectin spin off
[Re: CAL]
#3313613 01/05/2101:47 PM01/05/2101:47 PM
My best buddy was diagnosed with the covid last week. He's a long time cattleman and when the doctor prescribed Ivermectin he was like the hell you say doc! He's on the mend now and said that it damn sure worked. Some of his symptoms he told me were / are congestion, fatigue, body aches, high temps and loss of taste and appetite.