Legalizing it just made it available to dummies willing to pay higher prices for something cheaper on the street. Last week I saw a Walmart employee hitting a bong in her car while going to retrieve something I had forgotten and on the way back inside she stepped out headed back into the store lol. Most people I think would never guess she was 50-60 years old, skank too! My mexican buddy mentions cartels often but mainly speaks of "back in Mexico"
Re: Leagalize it they Say
[Re: cartervj]
#4290274 02/22/2501:36 PM02/22/2501:36 PM
Any drug is bad no matter if it's legal or not. It is not helping healthy people in any way period.
It's actually addictive as witnessed in some folks habits. I've known some daily smokers for 15yrs now since moving here and they have gotten anxiety, depression, and more DUMB as the years have passed. When I say daily, I mean a few times a day.
Re: Leagalize it they Say
[Re: cartervj]
#4290365 02/22/2505:03 PM02/22/2505:03 PM
Any drug is bad no matter if it's legal or not. It is not helping healthy people in any way period.
It's actually addictive as witnessed in some folks habits. I've known some daily smokers for 15yrs now since moving here and they have gotten anxiety, depression, and more DUMB as the years have passed. When I say daily, I mean a few times a day.
You're absolutely right, it is addictive. I did it for years, I thought I had to have it to do everything. When I quit in 2007 my head hurt for 2 weeks. I would smoke a half ounce to an ounce a week. I'm 50 50 on the legalization of it.
Re: Leagalize it they Say
[Re: cartervj]
#4290443 02/22/2507:56 PM02/22/2507:56 PM
Stupidity should be painful. I'd like to see one of the big chemical companies figure a way to spray dope with cyanide so your next high is your last high. Reason it's called dope.
Stupidity should be painful. I'd like to see one of the big chemical companies figure a way to spray dope with cyanide so your next high is your last high. Reason it's called dope.
Maybe they should put that same chit on pu$$y and double cheeseburgers….
Last edited by CNC; 02/22/2508:24 PM.
We dont rent pigs
Re: Leagalize it they Say
[Re: cartervj]
#4290461 02/22/2508:33 PM02/22/2508:33 PM
Stupidity should be painful. I'd like to see one of the big chemical companies figure a way to spray dope with cyanide so your next high is your last high. Reason it's called dope.
Maybe they should put that same chit on pu$$y and double cheeseburgers….
You need to put the crack pipe down now.
Re: Leagalize it they Say
[Re: cartervj]
#4290477 02/22/2508:56 PM02/22/2508:56 PM
Never saw a dopehead that was successful at anything other than being a dope head. When your feel good drug impacts my quality of life then yes that's a problem and yes that includes alcohol. I don't care if it's from Mexico or Columbia or Turkey it's poison so either get rid of the supply or get rid of the demand. Obviously prison isn't the answer laws aren't the answer rehab isn't the answer so what's left? Catch them holding mag dump them forget them. Buzzard got to eat same as the worms. Problem solved inside 2 months.
Never saw a dopehead that was successful at anything other than being a dope head. When your feel good drug impacts my quality of life then yes that's a problem and yes that includes alcohol. I don't care if it's from Mexico or Columbia or Turkey it's poison so either get rid of the supply or get rid of the demand. Obviously prison isn't the answer laws aren't the answer rehab isn't the answer so what's left? Catch them holding mag dump them forget them. Buzzard got to eat same as the worms. Problem solved inside 2 months.
So we just need to kill everyone who drinks alcohol and uses cannabis? Damn. Cost of ammo gonna go up.
Never saw a dopehead that was successful at anything other than being a dope head. When your feel good drug impacts my quality of life then yes that's a problem and yes that includes alcohol. I don't care if it's from Mexico or Columbia or Turkey it's poison so either get rid of the supply or get rid of the demand. Obviously prison isn't the answer laws aren't the answer rehab isn't the answer so what's left? Catch them holding mag dump them forget them. Buzzard got to eat same as the worms. Problem solved inside 2 months.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion and while it is yours and therefore not wrong, Dadgumit that’s a strong opinion
Sugar and tobacco and caffeine are just as addictive in my experience.
Let people do what they want, most people are gonna do what they want anyway. Just my 2 cents.
Over half the country is legal.
The reason I posted was because this horse had been beat to death. I along with others pointed out that legalization doesn’t remove the criminal element just shifts it. I’d posted AP reports and so forth of crime going up in these legalized western states. Also so-called NEW studies indicate that it can and will cause psychosis in some young users. It will change their mindset too. The reason the left wants dope decriminalized because a society doped home easier to control. Same as a society taking a government check.
You are correct about alcohol, sugar and nicotine
That’s still does NOT remover facts about marijuana Instead you are using it as a deflection
RFK junior hopefully will get Americans on a much more healthier diet and medicine regiment.
We are an addicted nation to everything. Even that little device we’re communicating on right now lol
“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan
Re: Leagalize it they Say
[Re: cartervj]
#4290655 02/23/2510:23 AM02/23/2510:23 AM
The reason I posted was because this horse had been beat to death. I along with others pointed out that legalization doesn’t remove the criminal element just shifts it. I’d posted AP reports and so forth of crime going up in these legalized western states. Also so-called NEW studies indicate that it can and will cause psychosis in some young users. It will change their mindset too. The reason the left wants dope decriminalized because a society doped home easier to control. Same as a society taking a government check.
You are correct about alcohol, sugar and nicotine
That’s still does NOT remover facts about marijuana Instead you are using it as a deflection
RFK junior hopefully will get Americans on a much more healthier diet and medicine regiment.
We are an addicted nation to everything. Even that little device we’re communicating on right now lol[/quote]
I get your point but most casual pot users are not criminals, they're every day joes that hit it like most here hit a drink on the weekend or at night. The ones with real issues aren't buying it at a pot shop, it's coming from illegal grows/sources. It's too expensive to support an addiction unless ya big money or going broke. You can grow your own here but not enough to sell. Those crime reports I'd guess are coming from big, rancid liberal cities where "real" drugs run rampant and homelessness is out of control. So far, every move they have made in Or/Wa in regards to the homeless has bit them in the ass lol. I will say this, any company that has a drug testing policy in place in a state that legalizes pot should run monthly tests and weed out the issue if they continue to take that stand. People are so DUMB, they think once it's legalized, they can smoke lol. A guy in WA state smoked on camera on the news once legalized, got piss tested the next day at work lol. It was reported he was fired lol.
Re: Leagalize it they Say
[Re: cartervj]
#4290678 02/23/2510:55 AM02/23/2510:55 AM
Addiction is just a part of being human. Everyone is addicted to something. Some things you can be addicted to are worse than others. Saying everyone that uses cannabis is a piece of crap and lazy is a big over generalization. Same as saying everyone that uses alcohol is that way. Its just not true. I like RFK and many of the things he is proposing but unless you take away people’s right to choose, many will still make bad choices. Its just human nature.
Re: Leagalize it they Say
[Re: kodiak06]
#4290681 02/23/2510:56 AM02/23/2510:56 AM
The reason I posted was because this horse had been beat to death. I along with others pointed out that legalization doesn’t remove the criminal element just shifts it. I’d posted AP reports and so forth of crime going up in these legalized western states. Also so-called NEW studies indicate that it can and will cause psychosis in some young users. It will change their mindset too. The reason the left wants dope decriminalized because a society doped home easier to control. Same as a society taking a government check.
You are correct about alcohol, sugar and nicotine
That’s still does NOT remover facts about marijuana Instead you are using it as a deflection
RFK junior hopefully will get Americans on a much more healthier diet and medicine regiment.
We are an addicted nation to everything. Even that little device we’re communicating on right now lol[/quote]
I get your point but most casual pot users are not criminals, they're every day joes that hit it like most here hit a drink on the weekend or at night. The ones with real issues aren't buying it at a pot shop, it's coming from illegal grows/sources. It's too expensive to support an addiction unless ya big money or going broke. You can grow your own here but not enough to sell. Those crime reports I'd guess are coming from big, rancid liberal cities where "real" drugs run rampant and homelessness is out of control. So far, every move they have made in Or/Wa in regards to the homeless has bit them in the ass lol. I will say this, any company that has a drug testing policy in place in a state that legalizes pot should run monthly tests and weed out the issue if they continue to take that stand. People are so DUMB, they think once it's legalized, they can smoke lol. A guy in WA state smoked on camera on the news once legalized, got piss tested the next day at work lol. It was reported he was fired lol. [/quote]
Legal grow houses can be a front for the black market controlled by cartels. Those grown houses that don’t comply are raided by cartels. It’s no different than the mafia protection status. It is marijuana based and not other drugs. Documentaries exit, watch the 8 minute mark. They mentions marijuana, not other drugs.
I have friends that smoke so I get it. They own their own businesses so it’s no big deal. I get both sides of the issue. No one wants an honest discussion. To much bias exist and they blame each other for misinformation lol.
I’d like to try gummies or CBD for my back pain but won’t because I have a CDL so I guess I’m stuck with nighttime gabapentin and muscle relaxers. I take very low doses but still if those Delta 8 or 9s would work I’d rather take those in place of. Benzos are horrible for folks yet are prescribed routinely.
I get it but there is still major problems.
On a side note I don’t think local law enforcement does much with a joint or just a little bit. Too much paperwork for a slap on the wrist.
“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan