The puzzling part for me is IF we went why is it so hard to return? I was in elementary school during the 60s and everything science related was geared around space flight. I always believed that we went to the moon until NASA started gearing up for the return.
Get the F out of the BATFE. The F is guaranteed by the US Constitution. Those other letters are not.
How did we communicate at that distance then. 45 years before cell phones? I thought one of the astronauts has been going around for years telling everyone it wasn’t true.
"The Heavens declare the glory of God;and the firmament sheweth his handiwork" Pslam 19:1
I've always believed we did. I've always had a very skeptical view of conspiracy theories. For me, a conspiracy theory must prove it without any doubts rather than just cast doubt.
As I've got older I've become suspicious of damned near everything I've ever been taught. If I didn't experience, the truth is dubious. Knowing our government. Knowing our media. Knowing our theatrical society. There is a pretty decent chance it's fake. I'd say 50/50. We may never know.
Trumps been in office a month. He promised the JFK files. He promised the Epstein list. He promised the MLK files. So far his delivery is zero. It wouldn't be hard to release the moon landing files either. Or any other thing he wanted.
As bad as he hates the establishment, you'd think he'd be big on doing anything that would harm their reputation. Don't count on it.
Character is not developed in moments of temptation and trial. That is when it is intended to be used.
I've always believed we did. I've always had a very skeptical view of conspiracy theories. For me, a conspiracy theory must prove it without any doubts rather than just cast doubt.
As I've got older I've become suspicious of damned near everything I've ever been taught. If I didn't experience, the truth is dubious. Knowing our government. Knowing our media. Knowing our theatrical society. There is a pretty decent chance it's fake. I'd say 50/50. We may never know.
Trumps been in office a month. He promised the JFK files. He promised the Epstein list. He promised the MLK files. So far his delivery is zero. It wouldn't be hard to release the moon landing files either. Or any other thing he wanted.
As bad as he hates the establishment, you'd think he'd be big on doing anything that would harm their reputation. Don't count on it.
It takes 45 days from the time the EO is signed until the release. That time has not been met yet.
How did we communicate at that distance then. 45 years before cell phones? I thought one of the astronauts has been going around for years telling everyone it wasn’t true.
Scientific Atlanta built the comm gear for all the moon missions. I didn't know that until I worked for them in the early 2000s. SA has been a giant in CATV and satellite electronics since the 1950s.
Get the F out of the BATFE. The F is guaranteed by the US Constitution. Those other letters are not.
It's really time to shed the tinfoil hats, guys. There were literally thousands of military and NASA people involved, and the coverup is impossible. The incredible scandal is the fact that we could sent people to the moon in 1969, using 60's era technology. Now, 55 year later, we can't get 2 astronauts back from the space station for 8 months. Boeing can't build a safe airplane, nor can we educate children in the US public school system. What's stunning isn't what we did then, but what we can't or won't do now.
Used to be a lifeguard, until that blue kid got me fired.
I thought it was true for decades and accepted it at face value. Then I realized that there has been TOO much rocket testing the last 5-10 years. Supposedly the i-phone had more computer capability than what was available in the 1960's. After 60 years with technology expanding, it should be a simple flight by now.
We had technology way back then. Most of the leaps made were due to government research usually partnering with companies at the time.
Companies slow roll to recoup cost of research on products I saw it with professional photog cameras. Consumer grade are leaps ahead of what we had in the early 2000s. My iPhone has a better processor and chip than my first pro camera body. Learned a lot from the powers working the digital aspect of photography. Jay Kelby at Kodak told of many programs linked to digital and government satellites but nothing specific but as incorporated later in commercial use.
The technology leap happened after WW2
Know a guy that flew the dragon lady. They still used the film canister when they fly missions yet digital was used at the time. They still use older technology for whatever reason.
Listened to a podcast about how the government used a sound stage to recreate many of the pics of we’ve seen. That in itself opens the door to conspiracies and is something to consider if true.
Personally I think we went there but what we’ve seen may not be factual. After we went monies were scaled back until the shuttle program and then Obama shut all that down. Private companies with government funding took over and here we are. That much money needs a reason but the pathway has been established.
Listening to Musk and others it takes a lot to get to the moon. A lot more money than just space itself. I’d guess we don’t have the desire to go back until now because of lack of reason since we were first. It’s kinda like oil wells, they map them out and create a way only going back to when it feasible. Maybe there’s a reason we’re looking again like precious metals or something laying those lines.
“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan
My thoughts: I am not sure, but I am 100x more skeptical today than 20 years ago.
No moon landing: 1) They 100% built a movie set to fake the landing, where actors train using harness. (This is fact) 2) The reason given as to why we haven't gone back by NASA on camera is "we lost the technology". That meaning the technology to allow us to get men thru the Van Allen belt, an area of extreme radiation in the 60's was lost and we can't do it today. 3) Gus Grissom: He spoke out against the landing prior. Then was "accidently" burned alive during a test not long after he spoke out. The wrong O2 concentration was used. The hatch was bolted on backwards so they couldn't escape. Etc.
4) This video doesn't look right: Apollo 17 leaving moon, with no delays in the audio communication (Should be a 1.3sec delay, each way. So 2.6 both ways.). This looks like it was made using models. No thruster were used for several seconds, just the initial decoupling fireworks.
Yes to moon landing: 1) Why haven't other countries called us out? 2) There are photos of the rover tire tracks. (on the neg side they were taken from a NASA moon satellite / even the James Webb telescope can't see them)
It's really time to shed the tinfoil hats, guys. There were literally thousands of military and NASA people involved, and the coverup is impossible. The incredible scandal is the fact that we could sent people to the moon in 1969, using 60's era technology. Now, 55 year later, we can't get 2 astronauts back from the space station for 8 months. Boeing can't build a safe airplane, nor can we educate children in the US public school system. What's stunning isn't what we did then, but what we can't or won't do now.
It's really time to shed the tinfoil hats, guys. There were literally thousands of military and NASA people involved, and the coverup is impossible. The incredible scandal is the fact that we could sent people to the moon in 1969, using 60's era technology. Now, 55 year later, we can't get 2 astronauts back from the space station for 8 months. Boeing can't build a safe airplane, nor can we educate children in the US public school system. What's stunning isn't what we did then, but what we can't or won't do now.
This is the very obvious truth.
Obama took funding from NASA, Trump kickstarted it again but still nowhere near where we were before Obama. Obama wanted to depend on other countries like Russia and China.
“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan
It would be the greatest hoax ever pulled on the planet. Too many would be involved , someone would have talked by now. If it's a hoax , why didn't the Russians expose it as such ? That would be better than them beating us there.
I think they went. Also belive alot of the film was shot on earth
LUCK:::; When presistence, dedication, perspiration and preparation meet up with opportunity!!! - - - - - - - -A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take everything you have. Thomas Jeferson - - - - - - - -