The Gemini program began in 1964 shortly after a UFO landed in Socorro NM. The Mercury rocket was built with technology reverse engineered from Roswell craft which crashed in 1947. It wasn't until the Socorro landing in 1964 that we finally had the missing pieces of the puzzle. Gemini gave way to the Apollo program in 1968 using the alien technology that was finally perfected.
My opinions and comments are my own. They do not reflect the position or political opinions of Aldeer or any of the Aldeer administration.
Re: The Moon Landings….
[Re: jawbone]
#4293077 02/28/2509:03 AM02/28/2509:03 AM
My thoughts: I am not sure, but I am 100x more skeptical today than 20 years ago.
No moon landing: 1) They 100% built a movie set to fake the landing, where actors train using harness. (This is fact) 2) The reason given as to why we haven't gone back by NASA on camera is "we lost the technology". That meaning the technology to allow us to get men thru the Van Allen belt, an area of extreme radiation in the 60's was lost and we can't do it today. 3) Gus Grissom: He spoke out against the landing prior. Then was "accidently" burned alive during a test not long after he spoke out. The wrong O2 concentration was used. The hatch was bolted on backwards so they couldn't escape. Etc.
4) This video doesn't look right: Apollo 17 leaving moon, with no delays in the audio communication (Should be a 1.3sec delay, each way. So 2.6 both ways.). This looks like it was made using models. No thruster were used for several seconds, just the initial decoupling fireworks.
Yes to moon landing: 1) Why haven't other countries called us out? 2) There are photos of the rover tire tracks. (on the neg side they were taken from a NASA moon satellite / even the James Webb telescope can't see them)
So who was still on the moon filming this launch? The camera clearly moves up to follow it.
The Gemini program began in 1964 shortly after a UFO landed in Socorro NM. The Mercury rocket was built with technology reverse engineered from Roswell craft which crashed in 1947. It wasn't until the Socorro landing in 1964 that we finally had the missing pieces of the puzzle. Gemini gave way to the Apollo program in 1968 using the alien technology that was finally perfected.
Ever heard of Werner von Braun and his team and what they accomplished in rocketry during the 30s and 40s? Seriously, alien technology...
We did. But my grandfather went from covered wagon to flying Southwest to visit his oldest daughter in Phoenix, AZ. He never believed we put a man on the moon. It was too much for him to grasp.
Visit the Space and Rocket center. They have an exhibit that shows the computing power that allowed it. Assembler language with only 17 instructions and "donut hole" memory to store information.
All the old computer tech in the Apollo program was analog if I'm not mistaken. I've heard there is more computing power in current smartphones than there was in the Apollo spacecraft. Not sure how true that is, but if it is true, what they did was amazing.
Y’all are telling me you think out of the tens or hundreds of thousands of people involved in the space program, they ALL kept quiet in the last 60 years? Come on man. Someone can’t fart without the world knowing these days.
Also, we haven’t had “trouble” going back. There’s just not been a point. We went to the moon a handful of times, realized it didn’t really get us anything, and decided not to.
How did we communicate at that distance then. 45 years before cell phones? I thought one of the astronauts has been going around for years telling everyone it wasn’t true.
Talking to the moon is not that hard using radios from the 40's and a little antenna know how.
"In time of war, send me all the Alabamians you can get, but in time of peace, for Lord's sake, send them to somebody else." General Edward H. Plummer
"Blessed are those who, in the face of death, think only about the front sight." Jeff Cooper
My wife's Pawpaw was notorious for saying "Don't let them Horse f'ers fool you, they filmed that in California"
C'mon Man!
WM Hunter "Trump literally sacrificed himself, his family and all of his businesses for this country. He literally is a true American hero. And True American Patriot - warts and all."
Re: The Moon Landings….
[Re: BPI]
#4293116 02/28/2510:29 AM02/28/2510:29 AM
All the old computer tech in the Apollo program was analog if I'm not mistaken. I've heard there is more computing power in current smartphones than there was in the Apollo spacecraft. Not sure how true that is, but if it is true, what they did was amazing.
I think those greeting cards with chips in them have more computing power. A smart phone has more computing power than the supercomputers of the 80's
The Gemini program began in 1964 shortly after a UFO landed in Socorro NM. The Mercury rocket was built with technology reverse engineered from Roswell craft which crashed in 1947. It wasn't until the Socorro landing in 1964 that we finally had the missing pieces of the puzzle. Gemini gave way to the Apollo program in 1968 using the alien technology that was finally perfected.
Ever heard of Werner von Braun and his team and what they accomplished in rocketry during the 30s and 40s? Seriously, alien technology...
Operation paperclip.
My opinions and comments are my own. They do not reflect the position or political opinions of Aldeer or any of the Aldeer administration.
Y’all are telling me you think out of the tens or hundreds of thousands of people involved in the space program, they ALL kept quiet in the last 60 years? Come on man. Someone can’t fart without the world knowing these days.
Also, we haven’t had “trouble” going back. There’s just not been a point. We went to the moon a handful of times, realized it didn’t really get us anything, and decided not to.
ditto... same train of thought I have
Originally Posted by hillmp
The left lane is for the the purpose of moving the flow of traffic forward regardless of the speed limit. If your impeding the flow of traffic get your ass in the right lane. It's really that simple...
Y’all are telling me you think out of the tens or hundreds of thousands of people involved in the space program, they ALL kept quiet in the last 60 years? Come on man. Someone can’t fart without the world knowing these days.
Also, we haven’t had “trouble” going back. There’s just not been a point. We went to the moon a handful of times, realized it didn’t really get us anything, and decided not to.
ditto... same train of thought I have
Exactly my dad worked for NASA. I know that they went to the moon.
"It's not how hard you can hit, it's how hard you can get hit and keep going" Rocky Balboa
I guess I shouldn’t be but I am shocked that there are grown supposedly intelligent men on this site that believe the moon landings were filmed in a studio somewhere. It would take thousands of people to pull that off and you believe NONE have spilled the beans for 50 plus years? All the scientists, astronauts, Navy personnel and who knows others got together and decided to fake the whole thing and never looked back? Preposterous.
The US took great pride in putting a man on the moon before the Russians. If it was some elaborate hoax, they would have been the first ones to expose it all. They had the capability of tracking spacecraft and communications even back then. They had already put multiple spacecraft in orbit as well. It happened so move on.