Y’all are telling me you think out of the tens or hundreds of thousands of people involved in the space program, they ALL kept quiet in the last 60 years? Come on man. Someone can’t fart without the world knowing these days.
Also, we haven’t had “trouble” going back. There’s just not been a point. We went to the moon a handful of times, realized it didn’t really get us anything, and decided not to.
ditto... same train of thought I have
Same here, even though our government is turning out to be the most corrupt in the world. I'm more inclined to believe we did go to the moon rather than believe all those people working on the space program kept the big secret.
Yep they all flew to the moon in a small capsule that turned into a small lunar lander than then opened up the garage and a big off-road moon buggy drove out.
And aside from the thousands of NASA and military personnel who didn't spill the beans, the Dems who took over after Nixon (Carter), didn't expose Nixon, and Reagan didn't expose the Carter/dem administration for covering it up, and Clinton didn't expose the Repulicans........As Shakespeare said - 2 people can keep a secret, if 1 of them is dead. This involves thousands of people over decades of different administrations. You REALLY serious, Clark??
Used to be a lifeguard, until that blue kid got me fired.
National pride and determination, and the fear of an adversary being first to the moon sent us there. Since that time, the fear of failure has kept us from returning. Same reason Artemis has been drug along for 15 yrs. If there is another big failure like the last shuttle disaster, NASA would be done. My grandfather and father worked for the space program for many years in Huntsville. 1950’s through the late 90’s.
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go.... (Seuss)
Yes, no doubt in my mind. Almost all of the math required in the early days of rocket science was done by hand. Some of Von Brauns hand calcs were still displayed at the space station in Huntsville last time i was there. NASA employed hundreds of “computers” in the 1960s that worked out much of the math prior IBM having a legit system. I believe they were all analog, not sure when digital computers replaced them.
Re: The Moon Landings….
[Re: JA]
#4293407 02/28/2510:55 PM02/28/2510:55 PM
I guess I shouldn’t be but I am shocked that there are grown supposedly intelligent men on this site that believe the moon landings were filmed in a studio somewhere. It would take thousands of people to pull that off and you believe NONE have spilled the beans for 50 plus years? All the scientists, astronauts, Navy personnel and who knows others got together and decided to fake the whole thing and never looked back? Preposterous.
The US took great pride in putting a man on the moon before the Russians. If it was some elaborate hoax, they would have been the first ones to expose it all. They had the capability of tracking spacecraft and communications even back then. They had already put multiple spacecraft in orbit as well. It happened so move on.
I guess I shouldn’t be but I am shocked that there are grown supposedly intelligent men on this site that believe the moon landings were filmed in a studio somewhere. It would take thousands of people to pull that off and you believe NONE have spilled the beans for 50 plus years? All the scientists, astronauts, Navy personnel and who knows others got together and decided to fake the whole thing and never looked back? Preposterous.
The US took great pride in putting a man on the moon before the Russians. If it was some elaborate hoax, they would have been the first ones to expose it all. They had the capability of tracking spacecraft and communications even back then. They had already put multiple spacecraft in orbit as well. It happened so move on.
💯 Correct . 2 people can’t keep a secret
Some folks have done a fine job of keeping the JFK assassination a secret, unless of course you believe Oswald acted alone🤷🏼
You're only as good as your worst shot-
Re: The Moon Landings….
[Re: jawbone]
#4293448 03/01/2508:01 AM03/01/2508:01 AM
I guess I shouldn’t be but I am shocked that there are grown supposedly intelligent men on this site that believe the moon landings were filmed in a studio somewhere. It would take thousands of people to pull that off and you believe NONE have spilled the beans for 50 plus years? All the scientists, astronauts, Navy personnel and who knows others got together and decided to fake the whole thing and never looked back? Preposterous.
The US took great pride in putting a man on the moon before the Russians. If it was some elaborate hoax, they would have been the first ones to expose it all. They had the capability of tracking spacecraft and communications even back then. They had already put multiple spacecraft in orbit as well. It happened so move on.
💯 Correct . 2 people can’t keep a secret
As a former criminal investigator, I'm thankful for this too.
Lord, please help us get our nation straightened out.
I had an uncle that was deputy director of design for the apollo project. Men like Grady Williams are very few & far between these days. He answered directly to Von Braun. He also managed the skylab project. I can promise that he was such a man of itegrity, that he would've walked away from nasa if anything was fake. He grew up under an old school baptist preacher. That ought to be enough said about him. Yes, men from America walked on the moon. He knew them all. One of the astronauts, I believe it was Jim Irwin, became a christian because of his apollo experiences.
I just want to clarify I did not say I don’t believe we actually landed and walked on the moon. I just don’t trust the information the government provides the public.
Re: The Moon Landings….
[Re: jawbone]
#4293726 03/01/2510:06 PM03/01/2510:06 PM
My thoughts: I am not sure, but I am 100x more skeptical today than 20 years ago.
No moon landing: 1) They 100% built a movie set to fake the landing, where actors train using harness. (This is fact) 2) The reason given as to why we haven't gone back by NASA on camera is "we lost the technology". That meaning the technology to allow us to get men thru the Van Allen belt, an area of extreme radiation in the 60's was lost and we can't do it today. 3) Gus Grissom: He spoke out against the landing prior. Then was "accidently" burned alive during a test not long after he spoke out. The wrong O2 concentration was used. The hatch was bolted on backwards so they couldn't escape. Etc.
4) This video doesn't look right: Apollo 17 leaving moon, with no delays in the audio communication (Should be a 1.3sec delay, each way. So 2.6 both ways.). This looks like it was made using models. No thruster were used for several seconds, just the initial decoupling fireworks.
Yes to moon landing: 1) Why haven't other countries called us out? 2) There are photos of the rover tire tracks. (on the neg side they were taken from a NASA moon satellite / even the James Webb telescope can't see them) https://www.flickr.com/photos/47833278@N02/17229073722/
So who was still on the moon filming this launch? The camera clearly moves up to follow it.
So you think they faked the moon landing and didn’t take that into account?
Yes we went to the moon. Political correctness/social justice have pretty much guaranteed we cannot successfully go back at this time. In the post WWII era leading up to 1969, only the very brightest minds made the cut to work on such programs. Our universities were dedicated to producing the very best of the best graduates. We all know that is the opposite of today's situation. All of that talent and brilliance has been lost.
Re: The Moon Landings….
[Re: Pwyse]
#4294353 03/03/2501:15 PM03/03/2501:15 PM
My thoughts: I am not sure, but I am 100x more skeptical today than 20 years ago.
No moon landing: 1) They 100% built a movie set to fake the landing, where actors train using harness. (This is fact) 2) The reason given as to why we haven't gone back by NASA on camera is "we lost the technology". That meaning the technology to allow us to get men thru the Van Allen belt, an area of extreme radiation in the 60's was lost and we can't do it today. 3) Gus Grissom: He spoke out against the landing prior. Then was "accidently" burned alive during a test not long after he spoke out. The wrong O2 concentration was used. The hatch was bolted on backwards so they couldn't escape. Etc.
4) This video doesn't look right: Apollo 17 leaving moon, with no delays in the audio communication (Should be a 1.3sec delay, each way. So 2.6 both ways.). This looks like it was made using models. No thruster were used for several seconds, just the initial decoupling fireworks.
Yes to moon landing: 1) Why haven't other countries called us out? 2) There are photos of the rover tire tracks. (on the neg side they were taken from a NASA moon satellite / even the James Webb telescope can't see them) https://www.flickr.com/photos/47833278@N02/17229073722/
So who was still on the moon filming this launch? The camera clearly moves up to follow it.
So you think they faked the moon landing and didn’t take that into account?