If you and your wife send her out at 15 you need to buy her some condoms and put her on the pill. She will have sex.

I have a 15 year old daughter. She does not date unless it is under 100% supervision. I said 100%!! No going to my room to study business, or going with another couple. We use to have sex in the front seat while the other couple did it in the back.

I have successfully raised a daughter that is now 24 and engaged. I have another at home that is 15 and another that is 10. My job as a parent is to not allow them to be in a situation where they have to make adult decisions without adult brains!!!! Read that last sentence again.

Either you say no or at least be man enough to keep her from getting pregnant at 15 or 16. No two ways about it. Either condoms and the pill or don't let her out unsupervised.Tell that to the wife!