Originally Posted By: gunslinger251
Not saying you shouldn't be involved in your daughters lives, but when I was in high school the girls with the strictest fathers tended to be the worst. Not that I have a daughter or kids at all, but seems to me the best thing you can do is be a good role model and teach them the best you can. You can't and won't always be there to chase off boys, so you have got to trust her.

You do have to be involved in their lives. You have to teach and train them from the time they are born. You can't just place them in a bad situation though and expect them to make the right choices when they aren't mature enough to make adult decisions. Why would we treat our children like children in every way yet expect them to make proper decisions in that one area? A 15-17 year old isn't mature enough mentally and emotionally to be faced with a decision to have sex or not.