Originally Posted By: JTapia
There is no single thing that you can point to and say "do this and all is well".
It is the total package.
How I treat my daughter is paramount to how she will see herself as she pertains to boys.
How I treat her mother is tantamount to how daughter will perceive the male/female relationship should be.
How I hold myself up will be the model she will use in judging what is best for her, if I am truly good for her and to her, that is what she will come to expect from any man/boy.
Mother has to be on same page. Can't have her having little talks where she says "I understand you better than your father does, he is a man and we are girls. I can keep a secret, I want to be your friend".
"I want to be your friend" is probably the most destructive thing you do to your child. Sure it feels good to have that closeness with them but at some point you'll have to be the parent and then they will feel betrayed and the relationship will be forever damaged, perhaps irretrievably so.

Lastly watch yourself and decisions you make because it will be teenager nature when trying to control raging hormones to look for and exploit any discrepancy and crack in your Armour.
Don't keep rewinding and re-watching that Kate Upton Commercial, Don't trash women to her, don't objectify women in any way and always present yourself as "The" man.
Little girls love their daddys and that relationship goes deep in her soul. You don't give her what she needs and she'll find it from somebody else, believe me when I say this, you do not want Miley Cyrus to be your daughters role model.


If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14