Originally Posted By: burbank
Of course hunting in the rut is about killing a buck! Do you sit at home during the rut at you place because you want to protect your sex balance? Be honest...

First I want to say Thank You!!! You are the first person on here to man up and say that hunting the rut is about killing a buck. There have been others on here that have tried their best to convince us it's not about killing a buck but about "the experience". Of course I'm not buying that argument though.
As to your question, I'm not the typical deer hunter you need to ask about sitting home during the rut because well, I only deer hunted 2 times this past season. Last season the number was 3. All of those times I had one intention, to shoot the first does that were dumb enough to show themselves. It worked out too. I went twice this year and killed 2 does. If it weren't for that dang tree blocking my shot on the last day it would have been 3. mad I killed my first deer 28 years ago and several between then and now so I've kind of evolved into something different than a hardcore deer killer that's seeking the next Booner. Now don't get me wrong, if Mr. Mossy Horns were to step out while I'm doe hunting, he'd get popped. He'd have to be large though. wink

The true mark of a man is not how he conducts himself during times of prosperity, but how he conducts himself during times of adversity.