Pot to Kettle,

The evidence I used to support my statements are the annual reports that are available on the DCNR website.
2009-2010 Survey Report

Where is the evidence you have to support your statement that "... now, due to liberal limits, greed and misuse of property we have no choice but to manipulate if you want to help the wildlife where you hunt."


Further review of the DCNR surveys during the years that the number of bucks and does killed are reported separately show that the highest number of bucks killed per hunter from 1984 thru 2006 was 1.2 bucks per hunter.

That's a maximum of 1.2 bucks killed per hunter with a season bag limit of 110 per hunter. I call that moderation, Mr. Kettle.

Also: with a statewide deer population of around 1.7 million, there should be a third or more killed each year to maintain those numbers. In 2004 when the debates for a 98% reduction in bag limits heated up, the highest number of deer on record were killed in Alabama. That record number still fell short of the recommended numbers that are said to be needed to keep the deer population from growing.

The number of deer killed each season has been dropping steadily each year since 2004. We were 278,000 deer short of killing a third of 1.7 million deer at the end of the season in 2010 due to a lack of moderation in setting bag limits.

Now, where's your supporting source of information?