
Not sure where the highly educated mngt. plan thing came in to the conversation, but what ever.

That comes from your qdm typical response that what I'm saying is ignorance.

... I do find it a little ironic that you insinuate that you are just a good ol boy that likes to hunt and cares nothing about learning/ education, knowledge,etc. when it comes to hunting regs, stats, etc, but yet you quote more stats, reports, meeting minutes and the such than anyone on this site.

Those are your words, not mine.

If you read my comments and tried to comprehend them you would know that I've tried the qdm route and made an educated decision to go back to hunting instead. I was there when qdm first started. My first contact with qdm advocates was at the University of Alabama at a wildlife seminar in the early nineties. QDMA drafted me as a member because I used to attend their seminars.

When the QDMA first indicated in public at a meeting I attended that they were going to push for mandatory government restrictions on deer hunting, I left and haven't been back since. I was offended that they used their total membership, including mine, to support their proposed restrictions when I opposed them. I continued to receive the literature that they send to their members for several months after I told them I was no longer a part of their group.

As for my knowledge of the laws and regulations, I grew up with most of them too. After fifty years of trying to avoid a hunting or fishing violation, you learn a few things if you are paying attention. These days, I find it necessary to keep up with what is going on at the DCNR because that is where the most serious threats to my hunting rights have come from in recent years. I'm watching closely what happens there now.