Originally Posted By: Hogwild
How can he prove he was NOT hunting?

I think the evidence is stacked against him.

1) Loaded gun.
2) Permit to hunt that particular day.
3) Presence on land was clearly with the intent TO hunt.
4) Behavior was indicative of the act of hunting.
5) Camo garb and other required gear FOR hunting.

He just better hope he gets a bunch of people like some on here that have a boner for GW's and 'THE MAN' and not rational, logical people.

Exactly right.

I suppose an adult male dog with a back leg hiked up against a fire plug isn't about to take a big piss...going by some 'boner for Game Warden' members. Troy says horseshit...I'll add that a lot of old bullshit has also been spread by some.