49er, I have not given advice to anyone.I have never questioned anyones patriotism or suggested that anyone bow to someone else. Apparently, if someone disagrees with you or pokes fun at you they are less intelligent or less than patriotic.
Say what you want to say in plain language instead of in riddles and a foreign language. If I did not interpret your words correctly, then I have no idea what you meant to say to me.
This was an issue of an individual not telling the truth.
He and I both contend that you are the one who is not telling the truth. Bucky said he was not hunting. I believe he is the one telling the truth and not you.
If anyone has a Constitutional right to be on a privately owned R/R track with a loaded gun as you tout, then that same person can show up on my property, your property or anybody elses property with a loaded gun.
That is correct. They can. American citizens do have a right to bear arms for defense. If you do not post your property, fence it in or give personal notice not to trespass, then that statement is generally accurate according to our constitutions and state law.
That old statement that used to appear in DCNR publications stating that "all land is posted by law" was incorrect and no longer appears in those publications. You need to read what the law actually says. Bucky was not charged with criminal trespassing for good reasons... he was not commiting the crime of trespassing after being warned not to enter or remain on the property.
You crossed the line when you questioned my patriotism.
You crossed that line yourself when you defended an officer's mistaken interpretation of the law instead of defending the constitutional right to bear arms. Sorry you were offended by me pointing it out to you, but the truth is the truth and you needed to hear it.
My name is Eddie Maxwell. Perhaps you would like to introduce yourself with your real name.