Originally Posted By: BhamFred
Originally Posted By: Moose24
Fred, if you want to hold fast to your liberal ideals of blaming everyone else that is fine, your choice. If you are irresponsible with your pet and let it roam free and something happens to it, it's four fault not someone else's. I guess if your dog gets hit by a car it's the driver's fault not yours. Take responsibility!

you really are an idiot. I'm responsible if YOU decide to kill my dog??? Take yer own responsibility for what YOU decide to do. And the consequences.

Fred a liberal?...BLUF, shooting someones pet, within 50 f'ing 50 yards of a home...
A. Hes an idiot for hunting that close to house
B. Regardless of confinement or lack of...Its the country, and only 50 yards?...Its not like its a half mile from home and causing an issue
C. If shooter is found I hope they fine their ass so much their grandkids will owe money...
I shudder to think what would happen if it was my dog and I saw them do it...
Big difference in responsibility of said dog owner and some azzhole letting their hounds loose on folks property...

Grumpy Old MS Bastage