Troy, I have a lot of respect for the LEO,s. When the F5 tornado hit Pleasant Grove, AL on April 5, 1998. LEO's, Firefighters, and Paramedics poured in from all over the state to help. All of their radio's were crystal controlled and on differenr frequencies, some were even on the the trunk system. I have a HAM license and volunteered to help with the communications since I could talk on all the frequencies. Robbie Love of the Concord fire department put me in charge of communications to help coordinate the search and rescue. I saw and talked to these guys for abot 72 hours. I saw them put themselves at risk to get people out of some very bad situations. From walking around live power lines to entering structures that could collapse at any moment they never hesitated. In no way do I think we could do without our LEO's. I simply think they made a bad call on this and that is why I am fighting it. Chris and Keith both seem like very professional officers, but they were wrong on this one.