Originally Posted By: 49er
Originally Posted By: Hogwild
Was he:

using any device used
to take wild animals, wild fowl, wild birds, whether they result in taking or

Yep! Enlighten us... what device was he using?

AND he also fit this to a 'T': What 'T' are you talking about.... innocent with a 't' ???
who hunts within 50 yards of a public road, public highway, or railroad, or their rights-of-way, with a centerfire rifle

SO.......how many more diversionary posts are you going to make? I haven't made any yet.
I can't even believe that you had nerve enough to pull info from other States into your argument after all the posts you have made declare the irrelevancy of anything pertaining to other States!!!!!!!

I have never declared that our courts hold case law in other states irrelevant.

He had a gun with shells in the clip within 50 yards of a R/R. He was on a public WMA, not land that he owned or a family member owned. He was on a WMA, on a scheduled deer hunt. You can't have a gun a WMA unless it is a special "GUN HUNT", so that alone should state he was hunting, hunting, hunting.....What else is there to understand????

I had much rather be tried by twelve than carried to my grave by six!!!!