You might be surprised how much I learned about the law while mining coal. There are probably about as many state and federal laws and regulations relating to coal mining as there are to hunting and fishing. If you want to see how a government agency get's it's tail kicked in court on a regular basis, follow the link below. Coal companies have the money and the lawyers that it takes to make MSHA walk the straight and narrow when it comes to enforcing the law and their rules:
I had to know the laws and rules inside and out. As a mine examiner, I could get hung out to dry if I made mistakes that cost someone their life. Strange thing that I don't understand is why mining laws that deal with people's lives are administrative law and hunting and fishing laws and regs that deal with the lives of wild animals are criminal law. ??? Don't make sense does it?
I don't claim to be an expert on the law ... I just make sure I've read them all before I open my mouth about them. Things can get serious real quick in a courtroom. If you're spouting bs, it will be called what it is.