I learned from a co-worker when I was a young man to not express my opinion if I could not back it up with solid evidence. It stuck with me because it made so much sense.
Virgil was not always liked by people he was around because of his insistence on people backing up what they told him. If it was bs, Virgil called them on it. I came to understand that if Virgil told me something, I could pretty well take it to be the truth because he backed it up with evidence.
I'm sorry you think it's my intention to make everyone feel dumb that disagrees with me. My intention is to make sure people believe what they say because they know it's the truth and not because it's just something someone else has told them is the truth.
Like Virgil, I've found that people are often offended by that. I hope you have learned, however, that I won't tell you something is fact unless I'm convinced it is from reliable sources. As bad as some people hate it, I will also share those sources with you.