Originally Posted By: wmd
Originally Posted By: robgillaspie


and since when do you have to walk thru a court house, school, airport to get back to your truck while you been hunting?

I guess it depends on where you are hunting and where you are parked. When do you have to use a railroad to get back to your truck?

But, according to you, a constitutional right is a constitutional right. Shouldn't matter if you are trespassing (for which Bucky was not charged and is not the subject of 9-11-257) disguised as a deer hunter during a scheduled WMA hunt or if a person is in a court house, school, or airport. The point that you obviously did not get is that your constitutional rights can have their scope limited depending on where you are and what you are doing. To you, Bucky, and 49er, Bucky was just exercising his constitutional right to "bear arms in defense of himself and the state" while to the GW it was PRIMA-FACIE EVIDENCE of hunting from a RR.

Well you may be right WMD. But I argue that if indeed you are right. then that gives the GW way to much authority. IF A LOADED WEAPON AND THE FACT THAT HE WAS INDEED THERE TO HUNT. IF THAT IN IT SELF MAKES HIM GUILTY. THEN I AM GUILTY OF EVERY LAW THEY HAVE. IF THE GAME WARDENS OPINION IS LAW. BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE SAYING. then what is to say that the same GW cannot right you up for hunting at night, just because your weapon was loaded.

I mean it is dark, you came to the woods to hunt. you got on camo, you bought a hunting lic. you got on orange. You have a grunt call with you. SIR I THE ALMIGHTY GW PROCLAIM YOU TO BE HUNTING.