Originally Posted By: Clem
I didn't say you were beating her or anything of the sort, so damn sure don't lump me in that group.

If it's "laughingly tongue in cheek" then it shouldn't "drive you nuts" or be a "pet peeve" as you stated in the original post. Right?

Steak's better with ketchup anyway.

Damn, You sure are persistent. Ok, let me clarify for YOU. I wasn't clear and now realize the keyboard warriors such as your self will not let a single post go. You clearly are the type to critique every little thing that is posted; when and if you see opportunity.

I could care less what my wife or anyone orders at any restaurant off of any menu. I however would think it would be reasonable that if we (me and my wife's money) spend $50+ on a steak at a nice restaurant that it be tried the way it is before we go through what is fixing to un fold. I find it humorous (instead of drives me nuts) when we do go out and eat and she or someone with me ask for sauce, the server looks at us as if something isn't cooked correct or lacks flavor. I explain " no everything is fine, they like sauce more then the meat it's self." So then the little waitress who is covering 5-10 tables has to go back to the stock room and dig through the farthest away corner that is piled with boxes to find steak sauce that is hopefully still in date. She proceeds to the closet sink to scrub the dust off, dry the bottle, shake it because the liquid has separated and bring it out to our table. While this unfortunate series of events is taking place, at the other tables that she is covering, people are getting ill with the service and each other, thirsty, waiting on checks, need appitizers etc. it clearly effects the waitresses tip from those tables. Keep in mind she only makes $3 an hr plus tips. (We won't get all the way into how she depends on the tip money for family or school) So, now here we are ruining this poor girls night for asking for a bottle of a1 steak sauce and holding her back from her potential of earning a pocket full of tips that's is much needed for her to achieve her "American Dream" of paying her way through school to be a nurse.

This is usually how the conversation goes with my wife. She cracks up laughing when I get into the spill of how A1 steaksauce kills the American dream. Oh, and trust me, I wish she agreed with you and liked ketchup better. It's usually already on the table. laugh

Tongue in cheek regards,