Originally Posted By: FX4
I shot a nice buck late this afternoon. He hunched up and ran into a pine plantation. I waited about 15 min and got down to check for blood. Where he was standing there was a piece of skin about the size of a fifty cent piece with white hair on it and it looked like the entire contents of his stomach scattered on the ground. I didnt look any further. I decided to wait until daylight tomorrow. What do yall think will be the chances of finding him? I shot him with a 444.

Got back to where I shot him at 7 am and found him about 20 min later. He traveled about 200 yards and layed in a small pool of water. He was dead about 20 yards up the hill from the water. Sad to say the coyotes found him during the night and removed the hind quarters. I cant get the pic posted from phone. Will try from computer tonight.

Should cut the head off then hunt over the rest of the body...The coyotes defianetly would come back to it, Heck its a free meal to em!!