Went to eat lunch with my wife and boys yesterday. After finishing out Mexican cuisine I dropped her and my youngest son at the grocery store and me and my oldest went to tractor supply. As we walked around I started to feel a little strange. Gave my son the stuff I was going to purchase and told him I was going to the bathroom. Next thing I remember is I am in the back of an ambulance on my way to the hospital. They told me I had passed out. Apparently I was standing straight up when I fell because it put a gave me a small concussion, big hole in my head, fractured skull, bruised neck and tail bone when I hit that concrete floor. But I have no recollection of the entire incident. Supposedly my blood sugar was really low when my wife and the medics got there. Drug to the ER at UAB downtown. They ran a bunch of tests and put 5 staples in the back of my head. They said that it appeared that I was hypoglycemia. Strange but about a year ago, almost the same thing happened after going to that restaurant. I started feeling bad and my wife noticed it too. I didn't pass out that day but it was similar symptoms. The doctors said that there could be some type of spice that they are using that is causing my pancreas to create to much insulin. Now I have to go see a blood specialists and stick myself for the next month. I hate that I put my wife and kids through that scene but I am glad that I can sit here today and write this out.

Last edited by BPS; 02/15/15 07:28 AM.

If your decoy doesnt have holes in it, your not letting him get close enough... J.H.

"Life lessons are almost never found where you think they should be, sometimes they're in the middle of a small, muddy creek in the woods with steep banks"... DeadorAlive