I personally think fanning is asking to get shot. From a personal experience, I hunted a farm in TN last year. While calling on the edge of a large pasture, I saw a fan emerge on the other side. I immediately got my gun up and aimed in that direction. At this point the "turkey" was still ~250yds away, but I wanted to be ready. Once it got more out in the open, something looked strange about that "turkey." I could eventually tell it was a human crawling behind a scoot-n-shoot. From head on, he was pretty much hidden completely behind it. What made it stupid for him is that he wasn't supposed to even be on that land hunting. He was trespassing and crawling around behind a gobbler decoy.

Now I perfectly understand that makes him an idiot, not necessarily the method itself. As far as the data goes, I've read a lot of stories about turkey hunters being killed, none of them go into details of whether it was behind a decoy or not, next to a tree or not, etc. Furthermore, just because it hasn't been all over the news doesn't mean it hasn't happened and certainly doesn't mean it can't happen.

My personal take is that it opens oneself up to more danger. Kind of like just being in the woods deer hunting vs. crawling around in a deer suit in the woods. Common sense tells you which is more dangerous. I don't need data to confirm or deny the risk of looking more like a game animal in the woods full of idiots that are hunting.

Author, Fly Fishing for Redeye Bass: An Adventure Across Southern Waters
JacksonKayak Fishing Team
"I do not hunt turkeys because I want to, I hunt them because I have to." - Tom Kelly