Originally Posted By: Randy74
I've already commented on this when this started a week or 2 ago but I will say again. Where some draw the line for turkey hunting is funny to me. "Hey that fanning is cheating; let me sit over here dressed like a tree, sounding like a turkey, using a gun that shoots these new fangled shells that lets me shoot 70yds, and see if I can call this one close enough to the property line to kill it". Don't dare use that fan though; that's immoral and not real turkey hunting. How about we use bows, rub dirt on our bodies to camo it, and use blades of grass to call with. Why one person draws the line in one place and another in another place I really don't care; just find it funny. Heck I've been so mad at them sometimes I would try about anything but at the same time have felt so blessed to watch others put on a show I wasn't even sure I wanted to kill them. That's why I love it!!
Damn right. Fine post man.

"The only reason I shoot a 3.5" shell for turkeys is because they don't make a 4" one." - t123winters