Originally Posted By: Atoler
Originally Posted By: Johnal3
Good lord. I thought this was the turkey forum??
SCB, I'll kill mine legally and you ought to do the same. Not saying that you don't.
I've never killed one this way, and I plan on it this year. It's legal, and I've killed my fair share using most other perfectly legal ways. By no means has that gotten boring! But this looks like fun, and it's legal, so if I kill one on the 14th like this and it's easy, I just won't count that one laugh. If I could kill every turkey I saw by fanning, well that wouldnt be my cup of tea. I don't think any of us hunt because it's a "sure thing" to kill every time. I have sense enough to know that if it was that way, the actual fun would be gone.
But if you want something changed so bad, take off to Montgomery and try to change it. As long as it's legal, people are gonna do it, and there's no use moaning and groaning, especially on this forum where MOST of that crap stays dormant. Good luck this year, and I hope you fan all five to 3 feet and kill the hell outta them! grin

Exactly the reason I don't have a huge issue with it, there isn't much terrain in Alabama that's conducive to fanning. Now you take out west somewhere and that's part of the reason most of those boys are shitty turkey hunters. I don't necessarily have a problem with it, but I don't like that it has come to tv shows where nobody can kill a bird without a blind, a spread of decoys, face paint, and a flat bill.

Lol! The blind and decoy spread thing is not attractive to me, on video or in real life. By mid November, I'm tired if sitting and waiting on something to walk by. But whatever floats your boat!

Originally Posted by BPS
This is Aldeer! The place people come to vent their frustrations and completely change their stance a few minutes later... grin