Not saying this is accurate, but another account of what happened.....

Wednesday, Feb 18, 2015 3:27 pm

Reddit User Tells Much Different Version Of Story Involving 2 Auburn Players, Female Veteran

Matt Lombardi


Tuesday afternoon, two Auburn football players were accused of harassing a female veteran and her service dog outside the school’s Haley Center. The accusations, which were first made on a Facebook page titled “Service Dog Memes”, detailed that Andrew Williams and Dontavius Russell verbally assaulted the woman, who suffers from PTSD after being sexually assaulted, after they were turned back from petting her animal.

A Reddit user name oscarchap1 claims to have been on-hand for the encounter, and tells a much different tale. The user claims that the woman had been annoyed with other groups of people petting her dog and that Williams and Russell were the collective “straw that broke the camel’s back.” Here’s the entire post – take from it what you will.

I don’t post often to CFB or to reddit at all that much. Let me also say that I love our country and have many veterans in my family. Our military and veterans deserve the highest respect for being willing to give their lives so that we have our freedom. Yes, I am an Auburn fan and a student of the university, however that does not mean I cannot tell an unbiased account of the events that happened yesterday.

Yesterday, I was sitting in the bottom floor of the Haley center waiting on my girlfriend to be finished with class. Those familiar with the Haley center know that there are people constantly walking in and out of the bottom floor and there are people constantly giving tours and such. I, being the people watcher that I am, enjoy sitting, watching, and listening to the people as they walk by.

I noticed a woman walk in with dog, something I didn’t find particularly unusual. A few sorority girls (no I don’t know which, I’m not skilled like that) walk over to the dog to try and pet him/her. The woman was very standoffish and told the girls to get away from her animal. The girls puzzled and confused (looking somewhat offended) walked away. A few moments later, more people passed by and tried to pet the dog, much to the owners disdain.

Then two football players (apparently Dontavious Russel and Andrew Williams) walked over to the dog. They were saying things like “Here puppy” and other phrases commonly used to call a dog. As they approached the dog, one squatted down to pet him/her. Upon seeing this, the woman absolutely flipped out. I guess it was just the straw that broke the camels back. I mean, after three isolated incidents of someone messing with something of mine that I didn’t want to be messed with I would be pissed too. She screamed at the players, telling them to get away. The players walked away, and like anyone who just got yelled at seemed upset for doing something so accidental were not happy and slightly embarrassed. They said “Damn, okay” and walked away. And not like DAMN BITCH but like a Chris Tucker dayuum. There was no intentional harassing, there was just a girl who had been fed up with multiple people trying to pet her dog.

EDIT: Grammar

EDIT 2: I’m not trying to say who is right and who is wrong, I’m just saying what I saw happen.