Originally Posted By: Phil_Army
Ted Cruz is just another politician. He's tweaked his message to what true conservatives want to hear to gain support, but in the end I don't think he'll change anything.

He said in an interview the other day that he'd get rid of the IRS, repeal Obamacare, stop illegal immigration, etc. which sounds good but we all know that ain't gonna happen. He might have some of y'all fooled but not me

So as constitutional conservatives who are we supposed to believe or support? I mean where is the perfect candidate that some of y'all think that can get our country back on the right track if Cruz isn't one of them. If that person doesn't exist or meets your standards as an conservative are you not going to vote and we'll just give it away again to the liberals?

And I'm not saying that about just any Republican because I like some of you can't stand a RINO which I don't think Cruz and Paul are but even a RINO would be better than a Hillary at this point.

And if a Liberal wins again this time chances are they will get re elected for a second term. Y'all our country can't handle another eight years of Liberal policies! Think about what the last seven have been like plus one more to go. That would be SIXTEEN YEARS of ultra liberal polices!

Proud Army and ALNG veteran
God Bless America!