Originally Posted By: bill

Originally Posted By: GomerPyle

Originally Posted By: bill
Which politicians do you trust based on the way they speak and act?

Well, none of 'em, really.

Good point.

He just grates on my nerves more so than most. I'm not saying I've completely ruled him out, and if he ends up being the (R) nominee then so be it, just can't really get excited over him.

He is the only politician I've seen in a very long time that actually tries to do the right thing even when no one else will stand with him. His record is impressive and he is as principled a man as we have had run since Reagan. We won't have a better chance to ever end the massive corruption in government than we will if Cruz is elected.

I agree with you on this one 100%. the establishment repubs hate him just as much as the dems. He has to be doing something right!