Originally Posted By: Ian
Originally Posted By: PaschalBD
Originally Posted By: Ian
ted "born in Canada" Cruz?


wasn't he one of the birthers on Obama too?

I wont vote for him, that's for sure

You would be better off not posting and let people assume you have a modicum of intelligence than to post and all doubt be removed.

Why because it's true... He was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada 12/22/1970

I'm just tired of the hypocrisy in our government with a guy beating the obama birth drum when his mom was an American. He himself is in the same exact boat with a mother being an American and dad Cuban, born in Canada.

But whatever, keep following the ole hypocrisy that is going on in politics.

I'd rather have Rubio than him anyways.

Seriously?? The guy that had a hand in pushing a bill to grant amnesty to illegals (though it didn't pass)? Rubio is a RINO just like Jeb, Boehner, and most all the rest. Rand Paul is currently my choice but we shall see what shakes out in the primaries. I like Ted Cruz, but I'm not sure he has what it takes to make it out of the primary though. Him being born in Canada isn't a deal breaker for me. If your policy is sound and you stand on facts then I could care less if you are from Mars. If a candidate is a citizen and qualifies then no worries in my book.