I'm still researching the possible candidates. I'm looking for a person who has these beliefs and positions:

1. Christian who knows what the fear of God actually means and his/her faith is evidenced by the way they live their life, they way they have governed or voting history if applicable. A real Christian will not be pushing a Progressive Movement agenda and will stand for principles that reflect our founding--Truth, Honor, Virtue, Goodness. #1 is an absolute requirement for me.

2. Social Policy. Promote those things that are True, Honorable, Virtuous, and Good. Fight against the things that are not. #2 is an absolute requirement for me.

3. Supports a Fair Tax or Flat Tax plan that will transform our tax code/system. Part of that will be to eliminate corporate capital gains so the billions of dollars currently offshore or in other countries can be reinvested here in the USA, giving rise to manufacturing. Part of that will be to end the numerous loopholes and deductions that make it so hard to file our taxes and so easy for moochers to live off the government.

4. Supports a reorganization of Federal Departments to end the tyranny of the Department of Education, IRS, EPA, etc... Intrusive executive branch authority via regulation must halt immediately. If a dept needs to be abolished, so be it.

5. Immigration Reform once and for all. Build a physical southern border. Enforce immigration policy. Deport as necessary. Set up a worker program for the industries that need it. Zero federal resources for illegals. Work to re-write the 14th Amendment so that "anchor babies" are no longer possible--which will removed the latest SCOTUS rulings that changed the intent of this section of the 14th Am.

6. Spending cuts. America spends too much money which cripples the economy and household budgets of most of America via our taxes. Require a Balanced Budget, cut 10% each year until things get right. True cuts, not reductions in increases (which are not cuts).

7. Insurance. Repeal Obamacare or somehow, someway gut it so it will not work. Then reform insurance to open up competition in the free market nationwide. Health insurance needs to be more like car insurance--you don't make claims for oil changes, new tires, brakes, wiper blades, batteries, belts, hoses, etc...maintenance items. Health insurance now pays for tons of stuff that should be individually self-funded and currently helps drive up the cost of coverage.

8. Military. Fund it well to protect our homeland, protect our allies, and to fight Islamic and other terrorist threats as they pop up.

9. Foreign Policy. Cut off all funding to nations that are not our allies...no need for billions to be given to other nations yearly. Support our allies only in areas of direct US interests. Europe needs to grow up and take care of their own messes.

I'd love for a candidate to have all 9. But I'm sure I'll have to compromise on a few. But not too much. These are the things that I hold a steadfast principles. Can only compromise a little, because I've learned over the years that many candidates are just conservative in name only.

"The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever." Isaiah 40:8

"Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.� Samuel Adams