Whether you shoot them or not that's up to you. Doesn't bother me when people shoot jakes. My self, I will not knowingly shoot a Jake. Im talking about the 14-15 pound, tall skinny, almost hen like head jakes.

I read the book a"Illumination in the Flatwoods." the guy had two different clutches of eggs. According to him, one clutch the birds where bigger overall, and the young gobblers were more like the super jakes we describe to now. So I am sure this is true.

But along with this, I also think that the bigger jakes are jakes that are born in early May or late April, and are a full two or three months older than regular jakes.

But im not going to pretend like I know everything. I have no idea about some of these turkeys that have distinct characteristics of both adult and juvenile turkeys. On these weird turkeys, there is probably more than one factor.