Originally Posted By: arKic
These statistic are from the turkey's reported on the game check system... Granted, this is not a requirement so I know the number is skewed, but I guarantee it will have a direct reflection to determining bag limits.

You may will be right; our generous limit is not politically correct with the women that run the nwtf, and I think they are putting pressure on our state people.

But of course, the voluntary game check system is less than worthless from a scientific view of measuring the harvest. The hunter survey, which is science-based, has shown no decline in harvest numbers. I'm doubting that science wins on this one, but maybe I'm wrong.

One good sign was that they set this past season to start on the 14th because the 15th was a Sunday. In past years, they have started the season on Monday in this situation. That extra weekend probably killed at least 5000 turkeys. Doesn't seem they would have done that if an immediate cut in the limit was about to happen.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.