Atoler, I have to agree. Matt, I'm sure you are aware and not naive enough to believe that dropping that number will change anything. Surely those working with you aren't either. Once data shows there is a large decline, or if it does, then the best way to drop the amount of turkeys dying due to hunters has to be to shorten the season I would think. Unless they start hiring a lot more of you guys and implement some sort of tagging system that can hold people more accountable, I don't see it changing. I don't know if even reducing the days will make a tremendous impact. There are several folks out there that think if a turkey gobbles, that they ought to hunt him. But I do believe there are less like that than those who would stop at a certain number while season is still in. Y'all have a rough road ahead of y'all with all of this. I wish you guys and gals the best, and hope we get it fixed if it needs fixin.

Originally Posted by BPS
This is Aldeer! The place people come to vent their frustrations and completely change their stance a few minutes later... grin