I have hunted the same land (Mobile County) for several years. We have roughly 300 acres with a mix of dairy pastures and creek bottoms on 3 of 4 sides. Here is what I have witnessed:

•As recently as 3 years ago, it was not uncommon to see winter flocks of over 100 birds on any given day of deer season.

•Last year, the largest winter flock I saw had 30-40 birds in it.

•This year, the most seen at one time was around a dozen.

•3 years ago, I would stand on a hilltop next to a pasture and hear gobbling every time I went. They may not be on us, but I heard birds.

•Last year in those same spots I heard occasional gobbling.

•This year I heard a total of 1 bird gobble, and he was not gobbling on his own. I saw him in the pasture, called to him, and was able to get a response gobble out of him. He died that day.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson