Originally Posted By: Matt Brock
According to SEAFWA, they claim several researchers have found that opening of spring season prior to initiation of nesting can lead to reduced recruitment through direct mortality of female wild turkeys.

Also, intensive male turkey harvest during spring could result in decreased recruitment if it occurs prior to nest initiation and has resulted in low male turkey abundance or disturbed breeding activity.

How's that Bankhead? Am I just making facts up in an office, because you know that's what all biologist do right?

Matt I didn't throw this at you and I'm sorry you took it that way. Its the according to folks and the might and could be people. I do know this,predators are a big problem and I'll always preach that. The best gobblin bird I been on back and forth throughout the season got spooked off yesterday morning. 2 coyotes came running/sneaking up on me right when I had him bout ready to pull the trigger. 1 of those yotes is in bad shape from 6s right in the face. Maybe it will kill him. Again, didn't mean to make it sound like you was at fault in any. You do your part because you care for wildlife and resources.