Originally Posted By: CNC
Originally Posted By: GomerPyle
neither here nor there, but I've seen tons of comments, both here, other forums, social media, news sights, etc, talking about how Police in general have become far too militarized. so now that the "militarized police state" may be starting to get under control, suddenly it's a conspiracy?

it's pretty ridiculous when your average patrol officer making traffic stops looks like a Navy SEAL walking up to your window, and all these small-town police departments that have MRAP's and Strykers and other heavy armor - just unnecessary.

This has been going on for years now and its getting really, really old. It would be nice to be able to have an educated discussion on politics without all of this tinfoil hat type rhetoric continually being spewed out from folks who are otherwise very sane people. I think the election of this President touched on folk’s emotions so much that they’ve allowed that emotion to completely override rational thought. Its scary how much some folks truly believe some of these things. What kills me is how when it comes over the news that DNA evidence proves Elvis to really be dead….they don’t even check up. It’s on to the next conspiracy.

The root cause of the issue is just the emotional backlash of “I don’t like a black man being President…..especially a black liberal.” However, that one issue has spilled over into every single thing that has taken place over the last 6-7 years. This thread is a prime example. The OP wasn’t even the least bit informed on what he was posting about other than it was just something that the black liberal did. Even though it was the very thing that everyone is asking for….less militarized police. Why don’t you guys get a grip on your emotions just a little bit and accept that the world isn’t truly coming to an end because a black man is President. I mean got dayum fellas….let it go already. grin

I've read a lot of hogwash on here but this tops it. The majority of this site would vote for a black man for president, just not one with communist and socialist influences. If you think that's conspiracy influenced rhetoric then you know nothing of Obama's background.

You are correct that the militarized police forces have been on the rise for several years and Obama isn't the only one to blame.

"Political debate: when charlatans come together to discuss their principles"