Originally Posted By: Remington270
Originally Posted By: ikillbux
The heck with Obama, that's a different subject. Debate form, fellas, debate form....stay on topic. Who gives a rat's genitals if the police have nuclear weapons (exaggerated example)???? I, for one, have never seen a police who appeared "militarized". What are y'all talking about?

Why would I have any fear of police, regardless if militarized or not? It is their job to defeat lawlessness and thugery. If it takes special equipment for our military to do that abroad, what's the difference in police having here at home? A police in the midst of social unrest (Baltimore, for example) is in as much danger as soldiers.

The whole basis of the second amendment is that we have the right to bear arms to protect ourselves from tyranny. Sure, we're outgunned by the military, if it came to that, but many people get nervous knowing that a less-trained, more fractured police population could have access to military grade stuff. RPGs, etc could allow a rogue sheriff, etc to apply martial law as he saw fit.
Unlikely, yes, but clearly possible.
As for me, I favor the de-militarization.

That's sensationalism. I would be as surprised to see a unicorn fly over my office as I would to see that happen. But even still, IF that rogue sheriff wanted to apply martial law, he wouldn't need military equipment. That's kind of similar to saying we need to ban guns so folks won't kill folks.

We were on the edge of Eternia, when the power of Greyskull began to take hold.