Originally Posted By: CNC
Originally Posted By: bill
You have no idea who Obama is or who his influences are, do you? I'm not talking rumor, I mean the people and ideas that Obama himself said influenced him and his policies. I don't think there is any limit to what he would do to usher in the communist utopia that he believes in. You want to talk about racism? Try reading his own words about white people in his books or listen to some of his speeches from 15 to 20 years ago. He may do nothing outside of the unconstitutional executive orders that he's already carried out but it won't be because he wants what's best for the average American.

The stuff you guys carry on about and the things that are actually happening are just not even in the same ballpark with one another. It’s day after day of “Obozo is destroying America!”….”The sky is falling!!!”….”The world is coming to an end!”….It’s gotten to the point that its just a bunch of over the top drama…..and its really hard to take any of it seriously coming from folks who move from one extreme conspiracy theory to the next. This newest conspiracy that he is taking away arms from the police so they won't have them when "the chit goes down"....is a prime example of the kind of crazy I'm talking about.

You've got a stranglehold on reality and Obama wasn't heavily influenced by Frank Marshall Davis or Saul Alinsky even though he said he was. He isn't using Cloward Piven Strategy even though he studied it and it fits perfectly with how he has operated. You truly have zero clue who Obama is or who his influences are and you have your mind made up regardless of the evidence to the contrary. It's one thing to be a conspiracy theory kook but it's no worse than to turn a blind eye to harmful policies just because Obama represents the same party you support.

"Political debate: when charlatans come together to discuss their principles"