There’s a lot of truth in this thread…
• Yes, it is a shame that some (allegedly intelligent) folks are very easily led to believe all sorts of nutty things at the prompting of Faux News … but, there are people on the other side easily swayed by opposite minded bull chitters. (Quit listening to Hannity or Maddow)
• Yes, some folks do not like the fact that Obama is black. It may not be “THE” reason they hate him, but it is “A” reason. (I also think his wife is ugly. Just an opinion.)
• Yes, Obama is taking strides to change this country. Whether or not you consider it “destroying” our country depends on what your view of the perfect America looks like. (I don’t like where it is heading one single bit... nor the way Bush did it.)
• Yes, there is entirely too much sensationalism in the media these days. (Let’s stick to facts, please.)
• Yes, CNC should share some of his garden “herbs” so that we can all be friends again.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson