Originally Posted By: Matt Brock
Bill the scenario I provided isn't far fetched.

True. It was called Columbine.

Originally Posted By: Matt Brock
Being in law enforcement and feeling very strongly about our constitutional rights, I see no problem with a highly trained and equipped police force.

Also agree. At Columbine, there was an officer engaged in a gunfight with the shooters within 5 minutes of the first shots. If he wouldn’t have been attempting to shoot 60 yards with a service pistol, several lives may have been saved.

BUT… to what limit? You have to draw the line somewhere. What if the people in your scenario aren’t carrying guns, what if they have Oklahoma City sized bomb? What about a nuke? At what point do you pass the threshold of “necessary” and become “excessive?”

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson