
No one on this thread has said cops are crappy but it's ok to resort to sensationalism if your arguments aren't converting enough people to your way of thinking.

I read the link. The situation took place in Russia, right? I actually think that's a great comparison considering the point I , and others, have been trying to make. [/quote]

Agree to disagree about the crappy part since equipment cannot violate rights or liberties, hence the officers that may use the equipment must violate the rights and liberties, and ya gotta be pretty crappy to not care about another man's rights. I'm still trying to understand how taking an existing officer and allowing him to be slightly harder to kill erodes your liberties. That's where I'm hung.

As far as the (yes Russian) incident goes I'm not sure how it aligns with either side. It was a horrible thing that happened independent of the DRMO program.