Originally Posted By: NortonZ7
Originally Posted By: bill

Originally Posted By: NortonZ7
Originally Posted By: bill

Originally Posted By: muie grande
I urged everyone to go to there local sheriff's office or police dept and sign up for some ride along's and y'all see what we have to deal with on a daily bases. We live in a corrupt world and its only getting worse. This incident below happened in the county I work in this past week. After being caught the two went on a crime spree from north Carolina to Heflin, ranging from robbery to thefts.


Did they have better training and equipment than law enforcement? If not , why do you need MRAP's and RPG'S to handle them? Would you like for me to post some youtube videos of police swat teams abusing innocent private citizens? I mean as long as we are trying to convince the public that they can't be protected without police being armed with military equipment we should at least show them the dangers some of those same police pose to the public, right?

I don't know of any department that has RPGs. Most people posting here act like departments are fully equipped with surplus gear. That's far from the truth. We don't have hardly anything. I don't argue with people who don't have a clue what their talking about, but believe everything they read in the paper.

No one said every county was armed to the hilt. It doesn't have to be every county to set a dangerous precedent. If I believed everything I read in the paper I'd believe that these military weapons were needed to keep us safe. I don't. I think you're a level headed guy that wouldn't abuse the power you've been entrusted with. I believe most other officers are, too. But, that still doesn't mean I believe there aren't plenty out there that would abuse it. Not that that is even really the point. The point is you don't arm police to do jobs the military was meant to do unless you want to further the divide between law enforcement and the public and unless you are willing to see an ever increasing transfer of power and a decline in liberty.

Well I guess I took it wrong but the way I took it was like everyone thought a lot of counties had all this stuff. If our county has anything at all surplus I don't know about it. Actually almost everything I have I bought with my own money because our county can't afford to spend extra money. I was issued a taser and some other basic tools (alco sensor, finger print kit, spike strips, etc). Everything else came out of my own pocket, sidearm, backup, rifle, shotgun, ammo, duty gear, flashlight, all kind of stuff. I spent a fortune on my gear.

Dang friend, I was surprised when I read you had to buy your own rifle, that shows my ignorance of the subject, thanks for your service btw.

"Here, take this land mine and protect your property with it."
-Ron Swanson