Originally Posted By: Turkey_neck
I hate to say it but throw and mow ain't for me. I've actually taken better care of my fields than normal but the tonnage ain't there. I tried it CNC but building om isn't as important to me as feeding the deer and it's slim this year. I definitely have a good crop of crab grass on most of the fields but my peas that are normally great by now are getting taken over. Good luck to all y'all trying it my objectives are a little different than what I achieved.

I understand. Its not for everyone. Its takes time and patience. I can only repeat so many times that this isn't a system designed to do a one time summer planting of beans or corn and then step back and judge it. That's not the first step but folks only hear what they want to. Its meant to build up fertility and efficiency over time. I'm not trying to "feed" deer...I'm trying to attract them at a much lower cost than traditional plantings. I don' mean that to be demeaning.

Last edited by CNC; 06/26/15 02:12 PM.

We dont rent pigs