Too many people thinking they should kill the limit every year dang sure doesn't help.
That's what I meant about the gobblers sitting on the eggs. If the hens have to do all the work by themselves, that's gotta hurt their success.
Hit home?
LOL - Not a bit. I went to Auburn. I learned that the gobbler becomes expendable after carrying out his one function in the reproduction process. I try to kill my limit every year and I know that has zero effect on the overall turkey population. I saw 5 longbeards in one of my fields a couple weeks after the season ended.
All the habitat work I do does affect the population. I think encouraging others to manage the land for turkeys is the best way to increase the population. Then we can all enjoy trying to take some of the excess birds in the spring. I was taught this at a very young age and I've never seen anything to make me doubt it.
I hope you know I'm joking about the gobblers sitting on the eggs.
Brent, that's a great policy on which gobblers you shoot. Only kill the deadbeats, give the good family gobblers a pass. You need to share that with the nwtf folks.