Originally Posted By: Forrestgump1
I think it has to do with genetics for certain areas. The origin of some of the deer that were restocked in certain areas make the difference. Sure you could argue that by now they should have spread that gene pool to all the other deer and they should all be the same. But the true black belt today is probably about 75% cow pasture. Row crops are nearly non existent through that area. When we are talking Fitzpatrick vs say hayneville. Heres what I've seen... Huge bodyweights.. That's about the most common thing from harvesting deer through the band of black soil. The antlers from the deer in Fitzpatrick where darker and generally larger if comparing same age to deer in hayneville. The deer in hayneville had generally whiter antlers with good mass. Back in the restocking days they restocked the China grove area with Texas deer. Lowndes county received deer from Clarke county and Michigan I think. I'm not saying this is the truth but this is what I've seen. The deer from south Montgomery on over into bullock county and east seem to grow better racks on average. The deer over in lowndes don't really seem to get impressive head gear until they are 5+ years old. Now what's funny is north of 80 in lowndes around lowndesboro grow some very impressive racks. Same deer only about ten miles apart. Same soil. So it makes you scratch your head a little

Good point, the bucks I've seen off the WMA off south road are very very big. But the bucks off Henderson rd, are no where near as big as the swamp bucks off hwy 80 and south rd. they are literally 3-4 miles apart.

Originally Posted by Johntravis89
There is 2 different high fence. 1 small and one big! Mine was free range in the big pen and was not a breeder buck. Why does it have to be twisted around??