Originally Posted By: leroycnbucks
I hunt right smack in the middle of the Black Belt in Montgomery county just south of the city. I grew up on the Lowndes / Montgomery county line just west of the airport near Burkeville. Back in the seventies and eighties when the Hayneville, Lowndesburo, Letohatche, Hope Hull, Pintlala and Snowdoun areas where row cropping soy beans it was unbelievable the size of the bucks being killed. Not uncommon at all to see 150 class heavy antler fat daddy bucks.

Today it's all pasture land but the genetics of these majestic bucks can still be found occasionally in the swamps of the Catoma and Pintlala Creeks and the sparse hardwood areas of this fertile soil in Montgomery and Lowndes county. But it ain't nothing like it was then. I'm going on my 40th year of hunting this area and still waiting for my opportunity to kill one like I remember back then.


Seems I remember 2 different show nuff hosses being killed around snowdoun last year. I can't imagine how it was back when most of the pasture land in that area....and well east and west of there was soybeans.