A word to the wise...

Set the scene...You and your best friend are out one day walking along the railroad tracks, and under a trestle, you find the biggest red wasp nest you've ever seen. You immediately agree that the thing to do is to capture that nest, and go fishing tomorrow with the larvae as bait. You look around, find a paper sack and a bit of old newsprint. Light the newspaper, and hold it up to the nest. The flames burns the wings off of all the wasps, and they fall to the ground, leaving the nest full of larvae for your taking. You pull down the nest and stash it in the paper sack.

Fast forward one day...yesterday, when you captured the largest wasp nest you'd ever seen to use for fish bait, you didn't know that it would be raining all day today, and probably tomorrow as well...

Fast forward a couple more days...it's finally stopped raining, and you have a fishing trip planned! Here's the "advice" part...shake that paper sack and listen for movement inside BEFORE you get out on the boat and just reach into it for your bait.
Carry on.

Well behaved women never make history.~ Out back
Quit laughing...I think I broke something.

Fifteen is my limit on Schnitzen-Gruben, Baby...

I have OCD and ADD, so everything has to be perfect, but only for a minute.