Originally Posted By: cartervj
Originally Posted By: gobbler
Originally Posted By: RonBuck
but I still believe we don't need but MUST cut back on harvest

If very few wild quail are even being harvested and overharvest is not an issue for driving the ups and downs of a quail population, how would cutting back on harvest change anything? Kinda like lowering the limit on adult gobblers when it has nothing to do with the real problem with the population - reproduction! quail are primarily an annual species, driven predominantly by the reproduction of the summer before. Normally, 80% of the fall population is juveniles born the previous summer. confused

I would be amazed if anyone reading this killed ONE wild quail last year!

be amazed then laugh
I'm getting more into small game than deer, it's a lot less drama!

I'm seeing first hand how easy it is to bring quail back once quail habitat management is done. I also see first hand how deer and turkey populations are also responding positively.

Sure would be nice if all hunters had this oppurtinuty. Why dont timber companies do controlled burning ? I don't see what it would hurt ?

Last edited by RonBuck; 11/11/15 11:04 AM.