Originally Posted By: BC
Originally Posted By: BamaBart
I bought a 4' gas line at Walmart and ran it through the floor to a 20 pound propane bottle. It will last all year and to have one filled is about $23.
I also attached a fold down grill over mine to heat food when I sit all day. thumbup
That's a apple pie from Jack's! grin

I stock the pantry every year with caned food. Chilli and spaghetti with meatballs are great on really cold days! popcorn

Sometimes I look out the window to see if a deer is out there! grin [img:center]http://[/img]

It kind of looks like something that a queer hunter might use but I don't let them get close to my shooting house!

How do you vent it? My grandpa, when he was living fixed up a shooting house the same way. He would go sit in that box stand for hours and be warm and toasty. The only problem is he wanted to sleep all the time. His face would be all red every weekend when we were hunting and all he would want to do is sleep all day. When we would get back from the club it would last into Mon and sometimes Tues and the rest of the week he would be fine. Come the weekend though he could barely keep his eyes open again.

He wasn't the lazy type and was a go getter until the day he died. I have no doubt in my mind that the fumes from that little propane stove was affecting him.

Red flushed face is a symptom of carbon monoxide poisoning ...
