Just hang in there man ,yo u r luck will change.isaw a pretty good many deer the first week of bow season.but after the first week I went every day to different stands,different land and everyday o deer seen. I was in your shoes. thats until youth season,I couldnt believe it.first I took my daughter ,the first morning of youth season .we sat in a 2 man ladderstand ,I havea ground blind there were I had been bow hunting out of.I couldnt believe my eyes 4 mature d wink es came out 15 yards from the ground blind ,easy bow shot. But they were 125 yards from our treestand ,she missed them, but it was a great hunt with my daughter.then that saturday evening I took my 10 year old son ,again I had a ground blind at this location also. Sure enough a doe stepped out in front about 10 yards from the ground blid and stayed there for 30 min,my son wanted to shoot her bad .buti told him we dint shoot does on that land.his heat sank,but right before last light a good 8 point came out he killed it .he has not stoped bragging yet.the n I killed a big doe today.hang in there your luck will change.